
CTF Writeup - https://ctf.zh3r0.ml/

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21 June 2020

Flag 7

by shreyas-sriram


Subset of subset of hacking machines challenges


Flag 7

We are given a URL - hackit.zh3r0.ml


Optional: Find IP address of the given domain using ping

Since it is a machine, begin with a full port scan

nmap -T4 -sC -sV -p- hackit.zh3r0.ml

Note: Not sure if I used the right [options], run nmap --help for better understanding and optimisation

This reveals all the open ports and services running on each port. Also notice that the services running are all mixed up.

22/tcp    open     http
25/tcp    filtered smtp
99/tcp    open     ssh
324/tcp   open     ftp
4994/tcp  open     unknown
11211/tcp filtered memcache