Hone your skills, find new strategies, get your time splits down, and maybe you can claim the new Ninja Gaiden, Wii Sports Resort Golf, or Blindfolded Punch-Out world record speedrun!
In this question we are given 8 tracks and each track has a random text when inputted in spectogram analyzer.
Track 1: 3p} 00:53
Track 2: jan 5:22
Track 3: n1y 3:49
Track 4: OHS 4:32
Track 5: 4f7 2:21
Track 6: z_k 3:42
Track 7: se0 4:00
Track 8: {ah 4:24
I have listed the track length beside each track because I noticed that the gathered text resembles the flag but seems to be jumbled, sort by track length we get, janOHS{ahse0n1yz_k4f73p}.
Sort by track length was hinted in the prompt, time splits
Now that we have janOHS{ahse0n1yz_k4f73p}, it looks like a cipher text of the flag. Now comes the difficult part, finding what cipher it is. It’s partially guessy so don’t blame yourself if you didn’t get it.
Googling Blindfolded Punch-Out world record speedrun
from the prompt, we need up in this site: , the guy who holds the record is named summoningsalt
, which seems to be a key to a cipher. How do i know this? I manually tried to derive rgbCTF from janOHS.
Vigenere cipher was the closest I could find to derive that. There applying Vigenere decode on janOHS{ahse0n1yz_k4f73p} with the key summoning salt, we get the flag