
CTF Writeup - https://ctf.rgbsec.xyz/

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16 July 2020

Picking Up The Pieces

by AnandSaminathan

Can you help me? I had a flag that I bought at the store, but on the way home, I dropped parts of it on some roads! Now some roads have strings of text, and I can’t tell which are part of my flag. I’m very smart and efficient (but somehow not smart or efficient enough to keep my flag), so I know that I took the fastest way from the store back to my house.

I have a map with a list of all 200000 roads between intersections, and what strings are on them. The format of the map is <intersection 1> <intersection 2> . My house is at intersection 1 and the store is at intersection 200000.



According to the question, we have to find the shortest path between 1 and 200000. Instead of using Dijkstra, we solved it just my manually searching for some strings (substrings of rbgCTF). Luckily, on searching “CTF”, we found a road:

135893 137329 287162841 bCTF{

Then on tracing the path one step backwards using 135893, we got the substring “rg”. After tracing the path forwards from 137329 and appending meaningful strings step by step, we got the flag as: rgbCTF{1m_b4d_4t_sh0pping}

