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14 July 2020

Laser 1-Factoring

by vishalananth

Do you like lasers? I like lasers! Here’s a warmup: create a program that factors the one number given as input. Output factors on one line in ascending order (or just leave them on the stack, as Laser has implicit output)


Input: 42

Output: 1 2 3 6 7 14 21 42


We take a look at the LaserLang at https://github.com/Quintec/LaserLang and understand it works with a set of stacks and an instruction pointer which can move in 2D. So after playing with it for sometime and trying out the different functionalities, we implement the following:

The program initially has 2 stacks

The algorithm is as follows

  1. Get the input number(N) from the user
  2. Start from the number itself(i) and check if it is divisible by N (N%i==0)
  3. If it is divisible push it in Stack 1
  4. Decrement i and repeat Steps 2 and 3 till i becomes 0
  5. Once i becomes 0, switch the current stack to Stack 1 and print the output, since we started factorizing in reverse, the stack will have the factors in ascending order


Note: Read more about how the language works, clone the repo and try a few simple programs before trying to understand this code. Also, try running this code locally with verbose to get a better idea of how it works:

java Laser test.lsr  -v 36
tags: Misc