
CTF Writeup -

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27 June 2020


by raghul-rajasekar

Proclamation on ratification of redpwnCTF.

nc 31752


Solution contains the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from random import randint

flag = open('flag.txt','rb').read()

p = getPrime(1024)
q = getPrime(1024)
n = p*q
e = 65537

message = bytes_to_long(b'redpwnCTF is a cybersecurity competition hosted by the redpwn CTF team.')

def menu():
    print('[1] Sign')
    print('[2] Verify')
    print('[3] Exit')
    return input()


while True:
	choice = menu()

	if choice == '1':
		msg = bytes_to_long(input('Message: ').encode())
		if msg == message:
			print('Invalid message!')

		n1 = [randint(0,11) for _ in range(29)]
		n2 = [randint(0,2**(max(p.bit_length(),q.bit_length())-11)-1) for _ in range(29)]
		a = sum(n1[i]*n2[i] for i in range(29))

		enc = [pow(msg,i,n) for i in n2]
		P = x,y: pow(x,y,p),enc,n1)))
		Q = x,y: pow(x,y,q),enc,n1)))
		b = inverse(e,(p-1)*(q-1))-a
		sig1 = b%(p-1)+randint(0,q-2)*(p-1)
		sig2 = b%(q-1)+randint(0,p-2)*(q-1)
		sp = pow(msg,sig1,n)*P%p
		sq = pow(msg,sig2,n)*Q%q
		s = (q*inverse(q,p)*sp + p*inverse(p,q)*sq) % n


	elif choice == '2':
			msg = bytes_to_long(input('Message: ').encode())
			sig = int(input('Signature: '))
			if pow(sig,e,n) == msg:
				if msg == message:
					print("Here's your flag: {}".format(flag))
				print("ERROR HAS OCCURRED...")
			print("Invalid signature!")

	elif choice == '3':
		print("Good bye!")

While the code may seem quite convoluted, this appears to be closest to RSA signing using CRT. The information we have is the value of e, p, sig1 and sig2. We can send multiple queries to get multiple values of sig1 and sig2 as well. sig1 is an integer congruent to d - a modulo p-1, where d is the inverse of e modulo (p-1)(q-1) and a is basically a randomly chosen integer (which is calculated from the n1 and n2 arrays in a slightly convoluted way). We note that since p-1 divides (p-1)(q-1), d is congruent to the inverse of e modulo p-1.

From how a is calculated, it is clear that it is orders of magnitude smaller than p and q. As we can calculate the inverse of e modulo p-1 (let’s call this value dp), we can find the value of a as a = dp - sig1 (Note that since a is relatively small, it is likely that equality holds and not just congruence). Adding a to sig2 gives us a value which is congruent to the inverse of e modulo q-1 (let’s call this value dq). That is, a + sig2 = dq + k1(q-1), where k1 is the result of the randint(0, p-2) call.

If we make more queries, we can find more values of the type dq + k(q-1). To find q-1 and hence q from these values, we can take the gcd of the difference between all such pairs of values. I arrived at the correct value of q after just 3-4 queries. Once we know q, we can now calculate d and then the signature for message = bytes_to_long(b'redpwnCTF is a cybersecurity competition hosted by the redpwn CTF team.') as signature = pow(message, d, p*q). Sending this to the server will give us the flag.


