by raghul-rajasekar
Proclamation on ratification of redpwnCTF.
nc 2020.redpwnc.tf 31752
contains the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from random import randint
flag = open('flag.txt','rb').read()
p = getPrime(1024)
q = getPrime(1024)
n = p*q
e = 65537
message = bytes_to_long(b'redpwnCTF is a cybersecurity competition hosted by the redpwn CTF team.')
def menu():
print('[1] Sign')
print('[2] Verify')
print('[3] Exit')
return input()
while True:
choice = menu()
if choice == '1':
msg = bytes_to_long(input('Message: ').encode())
if msg == message:
print('Invalid message!')
n1 = [randint(0,11) for _ in range(29)]
n2 = [randint(0,2**(max(p.bit_length(),q.bit_length())-11)-1) for _ in range(29)]
a = sum(n1[i]*n2[i] for i in range(29))
enc = [pow(msg,i,n) for i in n2]
P = np.prod(list(map(lambda x,y: pow(x,y,p),enc,n1)))
Q = np.prod(list(map(lambda x,y: pow(x,y,q),enc,n1)))
b = inverse(e,(p-1)*(q-1))-a
sig1 = b%(p-1)+randint(0,q-2)*(p-1)
sig2 = b%(q-1)+randint(0,p-2)*(q-1)
sp = pow(msg,sig1,n)*P%p
sq = pow(msg,sig2,n)*Q%q
s = (q*inverse(q,p)*sp + p*inverse(p,q)*sq) % n
elif choice == '2':
msg = bytes_to_long(input('Message: ').encode())
sig = int(input('Signature: '))
if pow(sig,e,n) == msg:
if msg == message:
print("Here's your flag: {}".format(flag))
print("Invalid signature!")
elif choice == '3':
print("Good bye!")
While the code may seem quite convoluted, this appears to be closest to RSA signing using CRT. The information we have is the value of e
, p
, sig1
and sig2
. We can send multiple queries to get multiple values of sig1
and sig2
as well. sig1
is an integer congruent to d - a
modulo p-1
, where d
is the inverse of e
modulo (p-1)(q-1)
and a
is basically a randomly chosen integer (which is calculated from the n1
and n2
arrays in a slightly convoluted way). We note that since p-1
divides (p-1)(q-1)
, d
is congruent to the inverse of e
modulo p-1
From how a
is calculated, it is clear that it is orders of magnitude smaller than p
and q
. As we can calculate the inverse of e
modulo p-1
(let’s call this value dp
), we can find the value of a
as a = dp - sig1
(Note that since a
is relatively small, it is likely that equality holds and not just congruence). Adding a
to sig2
gives us a value which is congruent to the inverse of e
modulo q-1
(let’s call this value dq
). That is, a + sig2 = dq + k1(q-1)
, where k1 is the result of the randint(0, p-2)
If we make more queries, we can find more values of the type dq + k(q-1)
. To find q-1
and hence q
from these values, we can take the gcd
of the difference between all such pairs of values. I arrived at the correct value of q
after just 3-4 queries. Once we know q
, we can now calculate d
and then the signature for message =
bytes_to_long(b'redpwnCTF is a cybersecurity competition hosted by the redpwn CTF team.')
as signature = pow(message, d, p*q)
. Sending this to the server will give us the flag.