
CTF Writeup -

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27 June 2020


by raghul-rajasekar

The aliens are at it again! We’ve discovered that their communications are in base 512 and have transcribed them in base 10. However, it seems like they used XOR encryption twice with two different keys! We do have some information:

Find these two keys for me; concatenate their ASCII encodings and wrap it in the flag format.



From the question, it’s clear that the character corresponding to 481 must occur in the plaintext with much higher frequency than the other characters. Since the ciphertext has been XORed with both key1 and key2 (which are the first and second halves of the flag respectively), we have the relation ciphertext[i] = plaintext[i] ^ key1[i%21] ^ key2[i%19]. Thus, for positions separated by a multiple of 21 * 19 = 399, the plaintext is XORed with the same value (key1[i%21] ^ key2[i%19]) there. We can create 399 frequency tables this way based on the value of i%399. The character occurring the most for each value of i%399 must be the encrypted value of the character 481.

Based on this, we can find all values of 481 ^ key1[i] ^ key2[j] for 0 ≤ i ≤ 20 and 0 ≤ j ≤ 18, from which we can find all the corresponding values of key1[i] ^ key2[j]. However, to find the flag from this, we’ll have to guess some character using brute-force. I brute-forced the value of key1[0] and got all the values in key2, from which I could easily get key1. key1 = h3r3'5_th3_f1r5t_h4lf key2 = _th3_53c0nd_15_th15


